So you just joined Second Life or maybe you haven't yet. Chances are you are reading this then you have a Second Life account. If you don't visit and sign up for a free account. Okay you are new and are still a little confused on things, you don't look nearly as nice as the other Avatars you are seeing? Have no fear we all have been there no one hasn't been born in Second Life knowing all about it... not that I know of anyways :"P ok so yeah lets link it! Let me start gathering the links that all you newbies should visit. Hey look at that I didn't use the word n00b...

Quick Start Guide - Chances are that if your a true new member you are using the new viewer. Many people still use other viewers some which look and act a lot like the older one, but your new so probably not. This link will show you the interface of the 2.0 viewer and to the right many links to the basics of Second Life

Natalia's Getting Started in Second Life Guide - Although very much outdated now it does layout the basics of second life. As well as links to other need to knows.